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               As we know that this is a male dominating society, and it is hard to believe that in our society man is suffering but this a story of the man who suffers very hard and after that he able to make his own destiny and able to write his name with glitters in the book of success peoples.



This is a journey from the search of food to the owner of food ........... The untold story of success

Here, guys, we are talking about "Renuka Aradhya" One of business tycoon of India,
he is a son of a small priest in the temple which is situated in there village. They are begging for food in the name of God, means they get food and money from donation which came to god, and they lived a very poor life. But now Renuka's company getting 30 crore turnover in one year and able to make his life very luxury,

Their family is run only on the money which they got in donation, but as inflation increase they start moving to another village also, but when they not able to run his family expenses then Renuka not able to read more then 6th standard and start helping his father in begging and when they also not able to get enough money then Renuka's father start doing some job as a servant in a rich family and


He put his son in harbor        (the place where priest tech child
 about holy books and also about class knowledge),

Where Renuka got food only two times a day morning and evening due to less food he not able to concentrate on, study and then he came home after giving his 10th exam and start working on the place of his father because his father is ill due to some diseases they do not have money for medicine for his father
After some time month, he got his 10th result that he is failed in the examination and when he came home he sees that his father is died due to disease and his big brother ran away from home take whole money
His home is empty all things are taken by his brother and his sister and mother are crying and his father body is lying on the ground
On that time he visits all house of his village for money for funeral of his dad, and the whole village donate him for that funeral and now his whole life is changing very fast and he sees only tearful eyes and he sees only death and now responsibility of his sister and his old mother is came of 15 year's old Renuka
Now the only thing he wants that food for the coming days for his sister and mother now he has to do is start earning money in anyhow for his family when he starts his journey.
He applies for many jobs but rejects for many times, But He works as a garbage picker, he works as construction field and after some time he also works as a wages worker in SamSundar Trading Company. And at night he works as a security guard in one society, only for 500 rupees.

As he was a very creative person he wants to do something big so for that he starts many times his own job like one time he starts a job of making bag and suitcase cover and sell it home to home but he suffers from 20,000 rupees loss on that time when money plays very important role in his life..

After all this he marry with a lady of his village and he decided to do one job and make his life better then he decided to work as a driver, but he not have enough money to learn driver skill, but after selling his marriage ring he got some money and start his driver job but he suspended from his job in just an hour due to accident. And now he has not enough money and not have any work then one genital person provide him one job as a driver in his boss house,
And on that day onwards he starts to practice how to run a car in highly populated road whole night and work as a driver in the day, again in the night he practices how to run a car and in a day he worked as a driver.

After some time his boss fills that he is the best at driving then he provides him with one taxi and that he runs and make his monthly income. He always tries to make his customer happy, he works very hard to make his customers feel very proud and best journey ever. slowly his demand for an increase in the driving field, all he did because to show his 1st boss who suspends him only in 1 hr for a very small accident.
Within some months he starts a job in a hospital as an ambulance driver and in his free time, he works for one traveling company in which he works as a bus driver for a pilgrimage tour.

After some time he gets the job in one traveling company in which he got the chance to work as a tourist guide and he got a chance to guide some tourist who came from out of India. And he got tips on the dollar from them then he start saving all dollar and when he saves enough money then he starts a company named CITY SAFARI. This is one traveling company and when he got the best response from his customers then he become a manager in this company and start earning the best income, know anyone think to spend his enjoyable life but he not think like that he thinks to do something big and he knows that one company name Indian City is on sale then he save some money and in 2006 he buy this company on 6.5 Lakhs, and the change that name and make a new company with name Parwasi Cab.  

Renuka says that he start a cab facility in 2006 and for that, he sells his all cars and this was a very risky decision, and that risk makes him the best entrepreneur. After that, he buys that company also in which he works as a manager and know his turn over is nearly 30 to 40 crore.
Now his customer is Amazon, Flipkart, Walmart, e.t.c, for making aid with his company.

After all this, he never let down and never thinks about his past days that 15-year-old rag picker is the owner of two big company and become the richest person of his state.

Renuka says that you only get success if you dream about success more than 80 percent people never dream about there dream, they did not have potential to think about where the future dream that's why they not able to make a courage to work for there dream.........

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