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Today we talk about digital earning and this is a method by which we get lots of money through the most commonly used app of this world is facebook and Whatsapp.
Here I am going to tell you about how to earn money from Facebook and How to earn money from WhatsApp. In other words, this article is the answer to the question that - How to earn money with part-time jobs or the best way to earn money with the internet.

Here I am not talking about installing any other app or not talking about referring and earn, This is the very logical way to earn and by this, you get chance of earn through Facebook and WhatsApp app which you already installed in your mobile.


HOW TO EARN THROUGH WHATSAAP : ( earn by sharing videos )

Must Read.
This is a very simple and best way this is really very useful for everyone who wants to earn digitally,
We all share all type of video daily in our WhatsApp contacts and group but we do not get a single money through that but we can get money by sharing any think in Whatsaap if we share it by monetization.

This is a way in which you earn if you share, but first, you have to follow some steps which given below: -- 

1. First, you have to visit chrome on your mobile and you have to type or you can touch the link to visit given site  ( this is a very old and safety website)

2. Then click on join button given on the website's front page.

After clicking on the site you get join button and on that, you can get a page on which you have to give your e-mail address ( this is under website security )

3. Then you have to give a password for that website which is asked below on that website.

4. Then click on registration and after that, your account is ready for your website.

You also check payout rate for your country on that website there was a payout option after clicking on that you able to get know how much you get for your share.


1. Visit youtube then search for funny videos then click on any video which you want to share in WhatsApp.

2. Then click on share button given on the videos top, then copy get the link but not share it to anyone just click on the link of that video and copy it.

3. Visit the website on which you register, Then click on the search icon on which shorten the website is written then paste the link of that video which you get from youtube.

after click on shorten then you get a short link of that video then share that link in your WhatsApp contact and say everyone to open it and see that funny video everyone open and on per click, you get money... 
Means more people see that video you get more views on your share video and on every view of your shared video you get money. 
So, try to share most funny video which peoples want to see then they share it if they see and share then you get more views and on per views you get money, but how much you get it depends on the country in which you are living and you see that amount by clicking on payout option which you get on the website. 

ANOTHER WAY TO EARN: by shopping you get money but through WhatsApp 

There is another way through which you can earn more money through the most using app of your mobile and that is WhatsApp. As you know that this app gives you a platform to talk with lots of people and give your experience and any information to lots of people at the same time and you can make a profit of this useful app in terms of money. 


1. You have to visit Wooplr click on the link    


2. Then you have to click on the open my store.

3. Then you can log in this account through your google account or facebook account or you can give your name, e-mail, the password for your store then click on login.

4. After login you redirect to a page on which you have to choose the product which you want to share through this website, means choose the product you want to put in your store.

5. Then copy the link of your store and then share it on Facebook or WhatsApp, the no of person visit to your store for shopping you get a money you get 10 for per 100 visitors of your store.

6. You also click on the product which you want then you get a buying page on which cost and some delivery process are written you also copy that and share to your contact or buy it, then you get 30 % commission.

You can buy anything or share to your contacts to buy it after buying products you through your referral link you get 30% of the shopping done by your link and if anyone shopping through your store then you get 40% money as a commision and if everyone visit and not buy anything then you get 10 rupees per 100 visitor.

This type of earning through your WhatsApp or facebook run then you can say you are not wasting you are investing your time on Facebook or WhatsApp you get something from these and you get some profit for your time which you do not waste your time you invest your time and for that you get money.


There are two methods I discussed above in which you can make money in part-time. Both methods are true and practical for you, if you see when you consider that this is the methods which can be used by anyone and in this method you do not have to buy any product, app or nothings have to invest.

 Today everyone using WhatsApp, Facebook and any other social media icon in this you have to shorten the link of anything and share it or if you are interested in shopping then you have to just make a shop on one app and share the products of that app, if no one buys then only for visit you get money and that's the greatest feature of this app. 

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