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    Today we talk about sales, and I confirm that after this article you can able to say with full confidence that sales are the very easiest job in this world. But if you all focus on big companies then you see that they do not work hard to increase sales. I confirm that you never see aid of Google in which Google advertise itself, or you never see aids on Lamborghini or any big tech giants of the business.  Because they focus on the problem and when the company is able to solve any problem of the customer then sales automatically increased.

So, the best way to increase sales is to solve the problem of customer, first you have to focus on customer that which type of customer is very high in your business then for what problem they visit to your shop or to you, then try to solve that big problem, after which customer does not visit another store.

By the way here I going to discuss some big problem due to which you not able to increase your sales if you want to earn a big profit then must work on these 4 problems. These sales tricks work on all type of sales it does not matter you work on B2B sales, B2C sales, B2B2C sales, Direct Sales, Multi-Level Marketing, Digital Sales.

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4 Region Of Sales Failure - Work On These 4 problems And Get Big Sales.

1.  People Don't Like To Be Sold.

Before joining any type of sales, you must have to make a core belief and that is people don't like to be sold. I want to say that no one like to be sold anything from any stranger, yes you are also one of them because you also not like if anyone comes and sells anything to you.

So, people do not like to be sold, people like to be helped. One best example is you not like to marry any total stranger. Means no one takes any decision with any stranger. So, remember Don't Sell try to Help what he/she want.

If you ready to help every person in your business, then also if you not see the 2nd point then not able to increase your sales.

2. When You Don't Dig Deep Enough.

You not able to help anyone forcefull means 1st you have to understand what is the problem or what is the goal due to which region your customer visit, or due to which region your customer does not visit you and why visit another store.

So, before focus on Prospecting, Presenting, Positioning, you must have to focus on need, means customer actually need any help or not, so, remember never talk about your product first you have to talk about any problems and then understand need then think that can you convert that need into help. This type of Selling is known as Consultative Selling. In which you try to consult first and then you try to sell the product.

3. Identify Your KDM.


You first have to see KDM - Key Decision Maker. You have to focus on that whom you sell your product means, The one whom you are selling goods even have the ability to make decisions.

Remember sir not everyone buys your product only 5 types of people can buy your product and those are - 1 Initiator, 2 Influencer, 3 Decider, 4 Buyer, 5 Consumer.
So, you have to see in your business which is the type who needs your product and who can buy it.
Many time it may happen that your product consumer is a small child but child have not ability to buy that product. So, there is no any meaning to target the consumer so you have to target decider or buyer. Means according to product and person your target audience should be changed.

So, focus who is the right customer and who is the decision maker, and then focus big audience and sell your product in front of them.

4. Unclear About Budget Bracket.


Many time you meet people and try all above points you able to help people and you know what is the actual need of the customer and then you also meet with the decision maker and know you confirm to sell your product but sir, you meet lots of that type of people with these 4 categories

1. A person who not have Money and not wants any product. 
This is a very bad customer for your sell so take a distance from these type of people.

2. A person has a money and wants your product.
This is a very right person for your sells.

3. A person has money but not like your product.
These are the person with money but they did not like because of you, not able to do point number 2 with full perfection.

4. A person has no money but wants to buy your product.
This is a person who needs scheme on your product or helps him in terms of money.

All the above points are the person points which helps you to understand the budget bracket of your customer to give him the best product of your shop or company.


All the above points are the points with respect to a customer of all field, but you make great sells if you focus on all 4 steps. Many time we do not focus on all those four steps, and your company or product sell goes down which gives very huge loss in business. Remember sales is the soul of any business. If sells are good then your company profit is good and then you are in profit and able to earn more and to make big sells to make a big profit you must have to focus on all the four steps which I discuss above.

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