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    So, as you know that one intelligent investor always tries to buy the best stock at less price and sold it at a high price. Today we talk about those best 15 tips which really makes you an intelligent investor. There are always some tips and some tricks which helps you to become the best investor and we going to talk about that points.

In the stock market this is not so easy to find good stock in less price there are lots of recommendations and lots of tips which must follow by one new investor which helps him/her to become better than best.

So, some tips or advice for everyone who related to the stock market.


Best Tips To Buy Best Stock In Stock Market.

1. Potential Of Company.

Must try to see the product of the company on which you going to invest, means will the company have that much potential in his product to bring lots of profit in the future. Must remember bringing one-time profit is not a big thing for any company trying to get a big amount from a share by showing there future big profit. But it is your duty to see will this profit continues in the company for a long time.
You able to know this by seeing the reviews of the company and product of that company.

2. Development Status of Company.

In this term must try to see the development status of company means if the company get good profit from there current sales than will the company have ability to built that product again 2nd time, because many times this happens that people see that company have good product and company get good profit for that but after sometime when they invest their money then they know that company no more any resources to build that type of product again, and that company go in loss many times that company fall and closed. So, must see the development status of a company as well as development in the product, and this you able to know that by seeing the working process of that worker and culture of that company.

3. Profit Margin of Share.

The sales of any product in any business or in any company is only important when having a profit with that sales. Meaning you must have to see the profit margin of that company if the company has very good sales then will the company able to earn a great profit with that sales. If a company earn very less profit then the price of share according to that profit.
Means before investing you must have to calculate how much profit that company gets, and a number of shares that company provides then according to the number of shares and amount of profit that company gets according to that calculates the price of share then you able to understand the price of one share is good or not.

4. How Much Profit.

Must see the profit of company of the previous 5 or 10 years for both long-term and short-term investing. If the company is good in small profit but fast means company get small profit very fast and many time some company focus on big profit after some time so, invest in fast profit getting company for short-term and invest in the 2nd type of company for long term.

5. Effectiveness Of R&D of Company.

This is another tip which must check by one intelligent investor and that is the effectiveness of R&D means research and development of the company are effectively working or not. How much the company is investing and in which field?  You able to know this from the annual report of that company. As you know that research production and then sales all are related to each other. So, must compare research and development scale of that company to other competitors of that company which show you the best company of that field and then buy shares of that company.

6. Good Relationship Of That Company.

If someone treats you good then your productivity towards him/her is increase, similarly the productivity of company increase only when company has a good relationship with there workers or employies this is one hidden tip on which most of the new investor not focus but you having to focus because you earn great profit only when company get good profit and for that workers play an important role.
You able to know this from the internet there are lots of website on the internet which say you that how many people want to work in that company and about the relationship of that company with there workers.

7. Cost Analysis Of Company.

Must remember all type of company suffer from one bad condition in a carrier because this is the nature of the business and if the company is going in loss that's why a company is bad is very wrong you must have to see the future of that company and in that cost analysis play very important role and in this way you must have to focus on that how company analyze there cost of making product if the company analyze each product then company focus on cost analysis very good way means company get profit if not in short-term then must in long term.
You able to get all these information from the annual report of that company.

8. By Which Investor Can Say That This Company Is Best.

All company tries to show that this company is better than all competitor, and you as a good investor always try to find one best growing company for that you must have to ask this question that why this company is better than others.
There are lots of thigh according to which you can say that and some of them are the number of stores and in which how a company handles their real- estate situations. In many companies, stores mean real-estate is not a big matter then must see all the important part of that company which makes him best than others.

9. Always Choose Loving Sector.

As you read that before buying shares of that company you have to see lots of things in that business and for that this is very important that your interest, all the big and intelligent investor always try to analyze the favorite sector means if you love mobile internet and many technology things then must invest in I.T. sector, if you love medical field then must invest in pharma sector. So, always try to know that what is your favorite sector and in which field you enjoy to analyze in very depth.

10. You Going To Buy Company.

This is one of the very important tips in this article is that always try to buy the share just like that you buy that company. One of the very best stock investor of all time says that always buy the shares of that company and analyse like that you going to buy that whole company if you analyze with think of that you going to buy that company then you see all factor in very depth and then you never get a loss in the stock market.

Investing is the very best thing to make your future safe and secure and to increase your income in a very good way but this is very good only if you are an intelligent investor and intelligent investor never buy share according to trend. So, if you buy a share because the trend is running then you are not a good investment so before investing must try to analyze the company in a good way.

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