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     Here we talk about network marketing strategies, it is really very important and powerful tricks to boost your MLM sales. As you all know that network marketing is one of the best ways to make money but it only works when you work digitally or fully physically.

According to research data the whole world is changing very fastly due to this internet, everyone connecting to each and every one all over the world, and this is very important to use the internet in your business, so the first point to become successful in this field is to start connecting peoples to your brand or company with internet. Internet proves that this is really very profitable and easy way to increase business.

But rather then that there are some other processes are also to get success in network marketing and those are - Product Evaluation, Competence Evaluation, Performance Evaluation.
After getting all the above part then you get whole secrets Tips, Secret, Strategies, Frameworks, Execution. This is the main root of success in network marketing, here I also say you about you are the right man for network marketing or not.

3 Strategies Of MLM - To get success very soon

1. Product Evaluation.
Sir, there are many fake companies are coming in the market due to which name of MLM marketing is really going down, and due to some companies, many good companies are also not able to make their business in the market.
Fake companies are also making million and billion of turn over but there is 90% chance they give you fraud.
Very simple way to overcome with the fake company and how to confirm you are in the best company or not.

The best way is to understand the urgency and the need for a plane or product in the market which you get from your company. follow 
  • To get success in this field is the 1st and most important step is to please see the product need in the market. Many time this happen to people that they are trying to sell a product which is no any use to common man and then they say that we do not get success in MLM marketing.

And any time this happens that we came in the market with a product which has a very high rate or a product with very high margin. If you sell a product having very high margin but the need of product is low, then confirm you get a loss and fail in the market.

  • You also have to see the market size of the product in many places this happen that market size is very low and they are trying to sell it everywhere. 

For Example:- Many companies are trying to sell software we know that today we need software but there is the very small market size of the software market, see there is no any need of software to every people, so if you sell this type of product then you not get success very fast.

  • You must have to identify The Uniqueness Of The Envisioned Product means you have to recognize some uniqueness in your product which gives it some identity in the market, means if you sale the same thing which everyone is selling then the way people buy your product. So, it is important to understand what is unique in your product which makes it best if you know this fact of your product then you easily make your customer then you easily get success in marketing.

2. Competence Evaluation -
It is important to evaluate the company and their product before joining but there is another part also which is you must have to work on you means you must have to evaluate yourself means you are the right person for this company or not, if you are not right person as the company and its product need then you get failure in this market. So, it is most important to make an evaluation of yourself before joining any MLM sales.
  • You have to see the facts or nature before joining any network marketing is Personal Effectiveness, means how effective you mean are you really able to face the negativity of all peoples. Before joining must ready to face 95 negative people out of 100.
Remember as more as you enthuse about your product the more you able to make sales. The more energy you have the more energy you can pass to your customer and able to make a great profit.

  • The second part is are you able to influence anyone by your communication. Means only by communicating by any person are you have confidence you handle all objective and all problem of one strange people, means if you expert in convince and influence any stranger by your communication style then you are the perfect person for this type of MLM marketing.
As you know that sir there are two parts in all type of network marketing and those are Upline and Downline, Upline is a person under which you join this company and Downline means a person who join this company by your referral. Remember sir if you are not able to make the good relation between upline and downline then your game will over very very soon.
That person is not able to do any single things if he or she not respect there upline, and you must have to guide your downline, then only you able to get great success.

So, before joining must evaluate yourself and think who are you - Action man, Process Man, People Man, Idea Man.
If you able to do any work very fast without thinking anything then you are an action man. If you able to make relation with any people then you are people man.
If you are action man or people man or both then you able to make great success in network marketing.

3. Performance Analysis

It is important sir will you able to make a scoreboard of your work then you are going in the path of success, and in scoreboard must see your effort score and income score. In scoreboard, you have to focus on how much you are working and how much you getting money for that work.

To get success must make a board in which make a benchmark of your all type of work means make a column of works which you have to do for selling that product.

Write How Many Calls you did-   Daily ( must choose a minimum benchmark by yourself)
Write How Many Meetings Done-   Daily (meet to the person to sell your product)
Write How Many Repurchase is happen -  Daily ( How many people buy your product again)
No Of Hiring/joining -   Weekly ( how many people join by your referral )
Number Of Programs you did for downline or how man program you join by up line - Monthly

If you able to calculate your efforts then compare it to any successful person and then you able to know how many you should have to get by this effort. Remember sir if you able to do this effort then if you do effort hard then you must get the result of that very hard.


If you able to evaluate company nature, then you have to evaluate product or plans of that company if both are unique and genuine and work on some culture then join it but before that must evaluate yourself and in that try to know your nature means who are you-you are action man , process man, peoples man , idea man. If you do not work fast and you not able to make relations with people fast and you try to work on some data guide you believe on work on step by step then you are processing man and then you not able to get great success in this market.
so after evaluate make an effort scoreboard and make a money.

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