This is right place for all business man.

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    Today I am going to say you something about one of the popular state of India. This is known as the hometown of all businessman. Gujarat is the best place because this is the only state of your country which has the capability to become country. Gujarat is a very beautiful state with lots of best and awesome place for a holiday trip. But Besides that Gujarat is best in many more.


Some Interesting Facts On Gujarat:-

1. 1/4th Export is Done By Gujarat in India.

2. 1/4th Cotton is Produced in Gujarat in India.

3. 1/4th Milk is Produced in Gujarat in India.

4. 8 Out of 10 Diamonds in the World Have Been Polished in Surat ( Gujarat) in India.

Yes, guys, this is a state of 5% population of his whole country but this state is able to make his own country. This is a state whose economy is very low in the 1980s, but know Gujarat is

1. 3rd Most Powerful State in India.

2. Most Profitable Economy Zone of India.

3.Largest SEZ ( Special Economy Zone) in this country.

4. Excellent Road Connectivity as compare to all another state of this country.

5. 98% Electrification Completed in Gujarat.

These Gujarati peoples do not show his potential only in our country but also they are able to show his business mind in another country.
For Example - 50% Motels $ Hotels Are Owned By Gujarati's in the USA.

Why Gujarati's Are Most Successful Entrepreneur?

Because Gujarat is a state where that child sees the business from his childhood, and any time in there family they always say " motu karu" Meaning - They always say their child to do some big and big means do something by which you get lots of money.
So, a Gujarati child always thinks that how to do business they say that from there childhood that it is always a better to so business in comparison to doing the job for any company.

How Gujarat is Different From Another state?

Because the G.D.P ( Gross Domestic Product) of only Gujarat means if we talk only state means G.S.D.P ( Gross State Domestic Product) is very high and increasing with the very high rate.
If we say about manufacturing then the whole country contribute 25% and only Gujarat give 40%.
This state has very least Dependent On Government Subsidies.

All most 35% Refined Petroleum Product Produced in Gujarat.
27% Medicines Produced in Gujarat in the whole country.

Remember if Gujarat is an independent country then Gujarat Will be 3rd Most Fastest Growing Economy In the whole World, after China and South Korea.

What is The History Of Gujarat Means How Gujarat Become This Type Of State!


One of the biggest regions in Gujarat got 1600 km Longest Coast Line in India. Which give a good connection to sea transport and which give them the atmosphere of business for a long time. So, from the ancient time they try to move all over the world and many peoples come from another country to this state which gives them an atmosphere to sell own goods and buy other goods from many many years ago.

Preference Of Investment Over Consumption Is The Key To Wealth Creation.

Means they always try to invest the profit or save money from there business they never consume the money they always try to invest to get more money and then again invest that child of 1st investment and the continuity of this process help them to build there dream amount of money.
So, never think that the hometown of a businessman is rich because they get good coastline, no sir they improve them again and again the annual income of Gujarat in 1960 is 340 rupee then they slowly came to the position of 1.4 lakhs income per year in 2016.

Which give them chance to build and came in 1st in Renewable Energy, Manufacturing, Infrastructure, Smart Cities.

Nature Of Gujarati? 


In this state, peoples are very different because in this state their people always say that
No Risk No Success. In this state one and every single child also says that take a risk to get Success.
So, the child of business land starts taking the risk from there childhood with very less amount.

One Famous Line in India is 
Real Gujarati can Buys From Marwari And Sell To Sindhi, Then also get profit. 

In another country and in some state of India Start-Up came in full form nowadays but in Gujarat, they start there Start Up from the 90s,
Gujarati person always says start doing your own way to make your dream successful otherwise someone else takes you as a worker in their field and make the profit with you.
So, it is always better to make your own dream in comparison to working for anyone else dream.

You Build Your Own Dreams, Otherwise, Somebody Else Hire You to Build His Dream.

That's way 50% Billionaires Cames From Gujarat In India.

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