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Dear sir,
           This is very important to understand nowadays why business failing is so common. As the whole world is changing very fast and with that speed, the new generation starts focusing on problems which we face in our daily life and this make new entrepreneurs all over the world.

But I am very sad to say that in almost all country 80% business fails before getting his first profit money. And the answer of all that failure is discussed below:-

Why business or Start Ups fail


1. We do not do business research.- is actually there is a need for this type of product which you give to your customer,
Many times this happens that customer already has a better product, then way he buys your product.

2. Our Idea - Sometimes this happens that our idea is best but not solving any big problem of society, if the problem is not solving then sales automatically goes down,
remember sales is the soul of your business, never let it down.

3. Person for Everything - In industry you have to believe that you not good in all thing so you must need one worker and many time we get worker on the basis of friendship for security regions and that person is not good in that work, but any time he is good in that work but not have a mindset to do that work. So, the wrong person for the wrong work makes your business fail.

Solution Of Start-Ups Fail - 4 Main Solution


There is 4 main bases of any startups and that is Individual peak performer, Driving performer, Develop the drivers, Develop the organization.
And in all above base, you must have to work on mindset and skill set of each person of the industry.

  • Individual Peak Performer ( Place for Action Man) - This is a base of any startups, this is a post of performers, driver of your business, means this is a worker and work on the only one signature strength. 

( This Is A Post For CEO And Many Big Position Of Company)

In many starts up CEO is going to fail because of the owner not able to choose the right person for right work in there business. Remember sir in your business will you focus on the right person, any time happen that

we see some failures and (1)  Give Inside promotion and due to less knowledge your insider loss and whole business is failing,(2) Many time we get outside person for CEO and he does not know about any culture and any system of business of your company some starting days work hard and make your company down.
CEO Is Not About Strategy    CEO Is Also About Strategy & Execution.

Sir many time you think in your business that if you do not get the result by work of this person then you replace it with another one so remember sir in business does not happen you first have to see Potential ( mind set) Performance ( skill set) of that person and then you get success.

Because Potential give motivation and performance give the style of work any time a person have a motivation to work but not have knowledge that how to work or vice versa, so sir you have to know

In Your Start Ups Who Is Best For What.

  • Driving Performer ( Place for People Man) - This is a place for person who easily connect to people you have to focus on work of person in the first step on that step you have to see which type of people you need for which work that person only work make strategy and work on that with full speed. But 

in this post people, skill is very important because driving performer work with a full team, driver give idea and process of work and driving performer convenience whole team to work like that,
If you not able to convenience people to work as you say in your strategy then you do not get desire success.
Employs  NOT Leave Company They Leave There Boss !! 


  • Developing the Drivers ( Place for Process Man) - In many company, this post is missing sometime missing and not give a problem but sometime missing of this post give some big problems.

This is a place for a person who works on systems, data, past- present- future, many preparation ,
This is a place for a man who not want to take the risk
this is a place for on which person work on Crises of company, they make Policies for company, Frame Works for company, they work on what to do and when to do , what to do in future , how to do it in future, what is culture , how to make a policy for all works,
This post is important for scalability of that company, this make a company from buzzy + ness to business

We Must Grow But When We Able To Scale Up That Peak .

  • Developing the Organisation ( Place for Idea Man) -- This is a place for people whose idea is working on company means the man who got a idea of that business , THE BOSS , the man who make this industry,

There are only two work of that person and that is - 1. Clarity 2. Energy
This is a person who know the starting to end the story of that business, He know that what is the strategy of his work , where to innovate, what is competition for this industry,
He built strategy, New Idea, New way to compete, New Technique,

He able to check everyone of the company with process man and get a result with action man, and no one leave him and everyone love him due to peoples man.

But the problem is he get the idea and came down and start working he not discuss anything to anyone and start work and due to work load, create problems to another employ and then they ran away or leave the company.
Another problem is they think everyone is working so they leave whole think to them remember I do not say that to work with then but BOSS is must be a source of energy for everyone always see the reports of process man which give him report that who need and what need,


So, Sir main problem is your structure of company which is discuss above and another problem is your research and your need in that business, according to one data per the year 2000 start ups are start in one country and only 100 become successful the main region some have not any research, some have wrong structure of that company and many have INADEQUATE PREPARATION
First work on your idea and there research in the market then choose
ACTION MAN , PEOPLES MAN , PROCESS MAN, IDEA MAN, for your industry and then came in the market with full preparation then again make the structure of competition.

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