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   Today we talk about rich, means everyone wants to become rich in his/her life and here the easy way to do. We don't know when the inflation of any country come down, and we live our whole life in a poor way due to saving some money for future, but here some unique and golden rules which follow by many rich people across this world.

But first I want to say that if you want to become rich there is only one way to hard work in your life but we can become rich in long-term vision. If you earn 10,000 or 50,000 there is not any chance that you become rich or poor in coming days. What you going to be in the future ( in terms of rich & poor) means you will be rich in future or poor you can know it by your financial planning.

To become rich you have to understand the investment

Principal Of Investment :


1. Understand where to invest.

Do you have to understand that how to invest? This is the small question with big meaning and the answer can make you rich in the coming days. The basic investment is 1. Invest in Share market, 2. Invest in bonds, 3. Invest in cash. ( Give cash anyone on compound interest than you get more than bank and this is cash investment)


Why Not Saving? 

You first have to understand that if you want to become rich then you must have to save money and then you have to invest it, if you put your money in form of FD or put your money in bank then you easily can see that bank gives you 6% interest on saving but growth rate of your country is greater then 6 %, so this is loss. So, must try to multiply your saving by different methods.

2. Make a full analysis of need.

Now you have to check what is your need, means for what you going to save money in banks. If you got answer then check the availability of investment, means for how much time you want to invest, then choose where you can invest.

For both long term and short term you can invest in Share Market, and Bounds
(bounds are just like giving a loan to the company and get a return on the basis of money which you give to the company).

3. Insurance.

Today no one wants to do Insurance, but sir, this is also one of the biggest regions which makes you rich with giving lots of security.
If you really want to become rich then you must have to make your Mediclaim insurance and Life insurance.

Why Insurance?

Let's imagine that you get the very bad condition in life in which your any member of the family suffers from very big diseases, and you not able to give that amount of money for treatment.
Then whole charges and all amount for treatment has come from Mediclaim insurance.

Now one another condition may be, imagine that any bad happen with you, please not say that why anything bad happens with me I just talk about maybe because you don't know the future. Then due to this life insurance, your family will be safe there is no any problem come to your family.
But must read and check all terms and condition to make free from any fraud in insurance. But if you choose the best company for insurance then you must get a great amount, then after you, your family will be safe and everything is alright.

4. Understand Your Nature.

Before investing must check your nature that where you can invest, means are your nature is good for long-term investment or for short-term investment, if you want to get your investing money very soon, you do not want to wait, means if you have lack of patience then you are good in short-term investment. And if you invest money and wait for long-term for that day then you must have to work with long-term investment.


So, must remember where you can invest with how much risk ( how much risk you can take).


Before invest in any field means it not matter you buy shares of any company for long term or short term, you must have to check the profit rate and fully analyze the company.

If you want to know about stock market then- ABOUT SHARE MARKET

If  you want to make more money in less time then  - The Best Time To Buy Share

And before doing any investment must save some amount of money in your bank account. Because if any emergency has come in life then you not able to sell stock on the spot, so must take some money for any condition.
So, I am not saying that not invest, I must say and always say to become rich you must have to invest and when you invest then you must check all terms and conditions. And before investment must take some money for your any family emergency.

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