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    Today we going to talk about one of the most important terms which are related to your income and your journey towards rich. It does not matter who are you but if you are in a job then also and if you are in business then also you must have to focus on the investing which increase your income. But that does not mean that you are not alert, Full Guide On Stock Market- Click Here

Here lots of scheme in the stock market some of them are fraud you have to aware not fall in any dizziness, Generally investing in the best but fraud is everywhere then here we give some knowledge related to frauds in the stock market and also give you some tips and tricks to become a safe and secure investor,
And as you know that the responsibility of your stock and your money security is under broker firm but many times broker's become fraud that is known as Stock  Broker fraud so, always try to choose the best broker for your stock market activity.
To Get Some Knowledge On Stock Market - Click Here
So, start with

Dump and Dump Scheme-scam


In this scam, some fraud peoples try to sell you stocks of one loss going company meaning some fraud people gives you wrong information but that information gives you in form of message and e-mail that's why you do not think this is fraud and all these fake news motivate you to buy share of the company which they say you to buy but when you see the details of the company then you able to know that company is under big loss and they force you to buy stock of that loss going company then company get money and you get nothing and you lose your money.

Do you know that : A guy named Harshad Mehta try to sell his stock of ACC company with Dump and Dump Scheme process, where he spread a rumor that a company named ACC going to take a very big profit and he makes very high rumor and make his stock very popular and costly and he sells 200 rupees stock on 900 rupees, but the fundamentals of company is not that much strong to sustain on that high price, so, after some time the price decreases very fastly and he get very high profit but some trader and investor get very big loss due to this loss some of them try to suicide.

For This Type of Interesting on Stock Market -Click Here

Tip And Recommendation Call Fraud

This is one another common fraud which is very common in the stock market this type of fraud is very common and people easily stuck on this type of fraud. In this type of fraud, you get some calls of some people who say you that how you able to get fixed profit from the stock market, In some cases, they promise you to give you 3 % to 4% profit daily or 30% to 40% profit monthly with there tips and tricks. They say that they give you tips and tricks or training related to stocks and show that their tips are 90% correct and they provide some proof of there tricks also.

Their communication skills are very high so anyone can stuck and try to use their tips and show full attention on their tips and tricks and many new traders and investors buy their tips and trick module, but some intelligent trader says that they want a free trial if their tips are really working then only we buy.

But in some cases, their real game starts now and that is ( please read with concentrate)
For Example :
If a company have 25 tips and tricks and that is nothing just a paper and they want to sell it. Then they call to 100 peoples and then they give a free trial to all and then they say 50 traders to buy the same share and another 50 traders to sell that 50 shares. In this buy and sell process 50 trader get profit and another 50 get loss then now they focus on that 50 traders who got profit and say 25 of them to sell that stock and 25 of them to buy that stock. Again in this process 25 get profit and another 25 get a loss, the group that gets profit 2 times they think that this is really working and they buy that tips and trick from that company. As long as the real face of the company come in front of the market they take the money and ran away.

If You Want To  know How To Complain Against Stock Market - Click Here

So, now please think about it if they really have that much accuracy on there tips and tricks then they buy and sell stock with there tips and tricks and try to earn profit why they sell this to you.

Follow Dump And Dump Group 

This is one another common fraud which regularly happens in the stock market and as you know that new investors or trader must work according to the advice of brokerage firm, so in this scheme, they try to focus on tips and tricks use by new investors they massage you with the name your brokerage firm and then they give you some tips and tricks and try to sell some tips and tricks.

In this fraud, they send you a message on the name of your brokerage firm and then they give a different type of offers to buy there tips and tricks to earn a profit, and in many cases they provide you with some interesting knowledge related to any stock but that knowledge is just a waste because they try to spread rumors of that company to increase the price of that company.

Which is best Investing in Stock Market or Mutual Funds Click Here

All the above type of fraud in the stock market is very common and many people easily stuck on it and the person who suffer due to this type of fraud they say spread rumor that stock market is just a gambling but the reality is they suffer due to there mistake because they do not know how to invest in stock market and they believe in some tricks but they demotivate others.

Some Tips And Tricks On Fraud Of Stock Market 

1. Always try to be aware in the stock market and try to know which is the best stock with your experience and if you are new then try to learn how to invest.

2. If you focus on all the above fraud then you able to see that all this stock fraud is related to tips and tricks of the stock market. I do not say that all the advice company is fraud but If you want to secure then try to become an independent investor.

3. Always try to become independent investor meaning always try to learn, if you are new in investing then no any tips and tricks makes you successful only your learning makes you best.

Guide for All New Stock Market Investor - Click Here

4. If you want you really want to get success in network marketing and if you want to earn a great profit or wants to make a stock market as a profession then must read some books related to investing and stock market like - The Intelligent Investor, How To Become Rich e.t.c.

5. Must focus on advice given by your broker but always check it according to you and not try to buy any type of tips and tricks. And before buying any stock must try to see the basic fundamentals of the company and try to confirm that is rumor or real words about that company.

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