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   Today we talk about network marketing, network marketing is also known as M.L.M marketing or multi-level marketing. Network marketing is just like an opportunity for a person to become rich but it depends on that person that he/she able to follow the culture of that network marketing or not.
Yes, sir, if you want to get success in network marketing then you first have to understand the working nature of the company and your working nature then only you can judge where you are suitable to get success in that company or not.
But sometimes some people able to change there working nature according to the company, so, first of all, you must have to understand about network marketing and then you have to understand which type of nature these companies want and then you able to make the strategy which makes you rich.
And sometimes you choose the wrong company in this field which gives you loss, so before starting an M.L.M business you must have to know How To Choose Best Company For Network Marketing

So, this is the guide for the person who wants to start his network marketing business or a person who is new in the M.L.M market.


What Is Network Marketing?

As you all know that every businessman wants to sell there product, sometimes businessman give offers on their product, sometimes they use different scandals, but then we not ask a question to them and not stop buying that product. This is also a place where a businessman wants to sell their products, and for that, he needs peoples who buy their product and do marketing for them.

  • In short multi-level marketing is well thought a philosophical-scientific process for marketing of goods and services.

Why Multilevel Marketing Has a Negative Image?

Many times ago when this industry is new then this industry is very best for youngs to built leadership quality, to know how to sell the product and to understand the culture of the different company. But the name of multi-level marketing has a negative image because many times some companies are come with a very bad idea and try to do fraud. Similarly, as in forest animals are left very good forest due to fear of hunters, but they know that there are two parts of forest one for hunters and another for animals.

Similarly, there are two part of this market, 1st if you choose the best company which is not fraud, and 2nd part if you choose one fraud company. If you, unfortunately, become a part of the 2nd group then you always say that network marketing is a very bad place, but the reality is you not able to find a good company which works as you need.

So, there are two most important parts which make a network marketing negative image are - 1st a bad company which come with the mindset of fraud, 2nd - peoples who not able to get success in this market then start saying very bad to others.

How Would You Understand a Company In Network Marketing?

As I say above that network marketing very best platform and it is useful for all young entrepreneur. But the most important thing is to understand the company.

1. People and Philosophy.

This is the 1st thing which you have to understand before joining that company. Must see the culture of peoples of that company if you want to join any network marketing company before become member must see is the company have a binding force, means a force which helps people to connect with them means there concept to sell there plan or product is best according to you and is there leadership and training method is best.
The dream is good but only is profit is not dreamed, must see the purpose of that company.

  • Must remember if company not focus on training and learning only talk about profit, means if the company only talk about to become rich very soon then that company is the only scam otherwise must go in loss please leave it before joining.

2. How Should Be The Product or Plan?


Must remember the company which you join having a best product or plan, means a product which is enjoyable to use for you. If you enjoy that products use then you able to make it a public favorite.
Product must have the best affordable price for everyone, must have some value. A product or plan in network marketing only run when it is recurring usage means peoples can use it again and again.
Most important product must address customer buying behavior.

  • Remember not work only to join people must want to know why they want peoples is there any product which they want to sell to them or they want to sell only one concept.

3.Plan Profit and Payout

After checking all the above terms than try to see their plan of profit and payout, before it must check there motive to come in market and must see what they want to sell is their product is perfect that, peoples of that company are greedy, is they focus on training of new peoples, 

In short, if you love to spent time with there plan and peoples of that company then only join it and then try to know about the profit which you get and payout of that company. And both profit which you get is best for you and their payout process is also best for everyone.

Some Tips For Beginners In Network marketing.


1. Remember MLM market is work under the power of compounding.
Einstein says compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world.

For Example - If you try to grow crop then you can grow it again and again in each 3 to 4 months. But if you grow mango or any other fruit tree then it takes minimum 4 hours to grow, but once after 4 years you get a tree of fruit then next 100 years you can earn just site at home. Similar in multi-level marketing once you work hard you can earn easily for many years.

2.  If anyone says you become a millionaire very very soon in this market then just ran away this is a scam and they are fraud. No Business Can Make You Billionaire Overnight.

3. In the MLM market you have to do very hard work and you not get anything very soon but you get a compounding result. Similarly, in jobs and business you have to do hard work but you not get compounding result you get a result each time when you work in a certain period of time.

4. Is everything is easy for you? - No, all thing needs time and hard work.

5. In network marketing, if you are highly educated then good but if you are not educated then also good. Just work hard according to your training try to talk every kind of peoples.

6. Network marketing is good but if a company is not work according to future then very bad. It is good but if anyone says you that your all dreams become true if you become part of chain marketing or multilevel marketing then it is a very big lie. You get success only if you work hard and if you have an ability of teamwork.

7. Remember the wrong person is everywhere in all company then where you go but it is your duty to find the best company. If you join the best company and if you fail then no problem because you learn how to work with the team, and you learn how to talk with any kind of peoples you able to remove your shyness and able to become motivate all state because you learn how to handle peoples and their emotions with this industry. 
8. The best place where you get a very good return in very less investment. And with a recurring revenue model. In this business, there is no any need of your religion, age, sex, cast, and education.

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