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    Today I going to talk about one of the most important topics of investment, and that is bitcoin. There are lots of questions regarding whether investing in bitcoin is right or wrong. So, the whole concentrate to remove all your doubt on bitcoin.


Must To Know Before Invest In Bitcoin.

Must remember sir that investment and business are two thighs in which you have your influence, means simply a thing you can not tell investment to whom you can not change by influencing, Bitcoin is just like that, means your influence can't change anything in bitcoin. According to CEO of digital currency group Barry Silbert, bitcoin is the highest risk with highest return investment. means cryptocurrency or bitcoin is the most risk-taking investment of this world, but bitcoin is most return giving investment also of this world.

Bitcoin is the most unsafe or risky investment because of bitcoins price fluctuates 30% in a single day. You can guess the risk of bitcoin on just with the statement of Warren Buffet, he is world successful investor and 3rd richest person of the world by his investment.  He says that bitcoin is a mirage...The idea that it has some huge intrinsic value is just a joke. According to Buffet, people are not buying into the value of substance they are buying into the value of hype. Means peoples do not buy anything due to value or due to the knowledge of something they just buy because they see growing hype/craze of bitcoin.

If you focus in today's world then you see that today everyone wants bitcoin you can use bitcoin in place of the rupee online. But if you ask then you understand not a single person knows how the price of bitcoin increasing.

But there is a lot of interesting things you must have to know about bitcoin and you also have to know one safe way to earn from bitcoin no matter who you are anyone can earn through this for that read.

What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is not a real coin bitcoin is a digital currency. Bitcoin is released in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto. But no one knows anything about Satoshi Nakamoto, in fact, no one knows that this is a name of male, female or group of people.

Bitcoin works without any 3rd party. There is no any owner of bitcoin, and bitcoin is not controlled by any authority or government

Why Bitcoin - What is The Use Of Bitcoin?

According to Satoshi Nakamoto, there are two main regions to use bitcoins :

1. Bitcoin is the best way to pay online because in bitcoin no need of any mediator, means if you pay or transfer money to someone account then bank work as a 3rd party, bank check all details and then approved your transaction, but here bitcoin is world's 1st decentralized currency.

So, bitcoin is a currency works only peer to peer network, means if you want to give money then in form of bitcoin you can give bitcoin to there account directly.

2. The second use of bitcoin is to decrease transaction charge, means if you send money through banks then banks charge 2% to 3% but in bitcoin, there is no any transaction charge in some case transaction charge is taken but that amount is very low.

Invest In Bitcoin.

To invest in bitcoin you have to make your bitcoin wallet and this wallet is made by some websites you can check the name of those company from the internet. After making bitcoin wallet you get one bitcoin address this address is just like your account number, means if your friends want to give you bitcoin then he/she have to send that amount on your bitcoin address.

When you do any transaction in bitcoin then one digital signature is generated and that digital signature confirms that your friend send bitcoin to you and another digital signature from you confirm that you got that amount. And all this transaction is collected in form of a list in the blockchain. The blockchain is a list of the transaction in which you get details of 1st bitcoin transaction and recent bitcoin transaction.

How Bitcoin Works. - How Bitcoin Produce.

Miners,- a people who collect those digital signatures and send those transaction details to blockchain and when miners or that person send those detail to blockchain he got a very difficult puzzle and when he solves that puzzle then that transaction detail is seal and the amount used in transaction that much amount is produced in this system.

After solving that transaction puzzle miners got 12 bitcoin. The amount or the reward to solve that puzzle is reduced to half after every 4 years. That's why one day come when miners get no any reward for solving a puzzle and that is the day no any new bitcoin produce in the market.

If miner not able to solve puzzle 1st then he/she no get any money only 1st puzzle solver get that amount.

Miners are the only way to produce new bitcoin in the transaction and from where those miners got that bitcoin no one knows that. It may be a work of Satoshi Nakamoto to produce new bitcoin in the market but this is just a guess. In reality, no one knows from where bitcoin produce.

Price Of Bitcoin.


The price of bitcoin is the most changeable price of this world because of the price of bitcoin change according to demand and supply. As you know that the demand for bitcoin is increasing or decreasing according to the demand and supply of bitcoin. And the ratio of supply and demand of bitcoin is changing daily, means daily lots of people leave bitcoin transaction and when people leave this process then demand decrease so supply is decreased and when the transaction in bitcoin increase then supply is also increased.

How You Can Earn From Bitcoin.

There are two processes two earn from bitcoin and that are 1. By investing in bitcoin. 2. By miners.

1. By investing -

 As you know that the price of bitcoin is increasing when the demand increases then you can invest means you can buy some bitcoin. You can buy bitcoin in very less amount also,i.e; 0.002 or 0.01. And when the demand for bitcoin increases then you can sell that bitcoin in high price. That price generally 40% to 50% increase. 

2. By mining -

The process of mining I explain in detail in the above paragraph. This is a process in which you have to solve is the very difficult puzzle if you are interested in solving the puzzle then you can earn very huge amount. To solve each puzzle you get 12.5 bitcoin, the price of 1 bitcoin in rupees is changing daily but according to September 2018, the price is 462498 rupees.
So, you can try to solve that puzzle with a group of people and the 1st person who solve this got that amount.

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