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   Today I going to tell about how to work in the stock market when the stock market is falling, this is one of the most asked queries in the field of the stock market and that is how to invest in the stock market when marketing falling.

The falling of stock market means most of the companies in the stock market is going in a loss that's why people who invest in those company through there stock then also suffer that loss, that's why it is important to understand the nature of investment and company before investing. But here the question is what to do when most of the companies in the stock market are goes under losses.

In this type of situation, lots of common investors start running away from the stock market they try to leave investing when the stock is falling, this is a sign of less knowledge and bad investor. So, if you do so then you are not a right for the stock market. So, remember never run from the stock market, rising of stock and decreasing of stock never choose your investing.

5 Tips To Avoid Loss In Stock Market.


1. Behave as Owners of The Company.

Because If your company is good - you need not to worry about price fluctuation.

A normal common investor always thinks to caught only rising companies or profitable stocks, a common investor always wants that falling or loss going stock is always far away from his portfolio, but this is never possible.
If you think that you buy a share and that share goes in profit and profit always, means on the date you buy one share that shares never fall till you not sell. This is never possible.

Now, if you buy a share and that share is failing then what you do then 1st thing you have to do is behave like an owner of that company. Remember one owner of a good company who knows that this company gets success in the coming days, then the group of owners of that company ( here I talk about a company having lot's of owner in share) starts buying that shares of that company in low price. Remember a good investor always a good owner.

So, when owners buy there own stocks then why not you. means if the market goes down then you have to buy shares in low price but remember always buy a share of that company on which you do research and confirm that this company gets success in coming days.

2. Psychology of an Expert Investor.

Always try to build a psychology of an expert investor in which you have to learn how to invest and how to pick the best stock and how the stock market works. You must have to full knowledge of stock market guide. 
A normal investor always buys stock when the market goes in profit and sell that stock when he thinks that market is going down, and this is a very big mistake. You must have to buy stocks in the stock market when the market goes down and you try to sell those stock when the market goes up. 

In this process, one of the most important thing which you have to remember and that always buys stock in down market so it is very difficult to know which company is best means which company goes up in the coming days and which not, so for that try to become expert in picking company.

3. Beware of Fake Predictions.

Must Read.

If you notice in down market and upmarket, then you consider that lots of discussions come in the market when the market goes down, then lots of people start predicting that this stock is going down and that company or that bank go in a loss and your stock goes zero. 

Lots of rumors spread in the market that this stock becomes zero or that company is going to close, remember friends never buy stock or sell stock according to rumors. So, never buy or sell according to rumors never say that we buy that stock or sell that stock because he/she is saying. Always confirm with your own research.

4. You are Not Alone.

Remember when the market goes down then everyone got the loss you not only one. Lots of people start saying that I am a bad investor and leaving stock market start saying the stock market is gambling because their portfolio is going down. Any market expert or any mutual fund goes in loss everyone has a portfolio and when the market goes down then everyone suffers from same think so never judge yourself with your portfolio. 

If you see positive side falling stock market then you surprise.
Let's say you get a share of one company in 100 rupee and you want to buy but you do not have a perfect amount of money then buy small amount of share, but know share is down so lots of beginners think that their research is wrong and they get a big loss but if you see carefully then you get a chance to buy more shares because due to fall of price the amount of that share is gone less,

But do this only you confirm that your research is correct and that company gets profit in future. Then due to the loss in a market, you can try to buy more share of that company, when you try to buy the share of that company in loss then also try to research about that company once again.

5. Take Advantage of The Opportunity.

In loss period many people say that a share market is a place of gambling because the share market fluctuates then you have to understand that due to this fluctuation of the market you get a chance to sell coal at price of gold and many time you get gold at price of coal. 

  • Always try to use that opportunity you get in the stock market, if you want to handle the opportunity in loss period of stock market then you have to visit any stock market website or app and have to see a list of company in 52 low week column of that website. 

In 52 week low list you get to know that this company is in its lowest price of till now. So, make a list of your favorite company and try to check whether your company comes under 52 low week or not if yes then this is the right time to analyze the company. 

Remember if the company is in 52 low week list then this is the right time of analysis that company and you have to understand why that company comes under this list and if there a region which solves in some days and company is able to come in profit in coming days then you get a big opportunity to buy that share in low price.

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