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   Today we going to talk about one of the best stock marketers of all time, this is a very best guide for all young entrepreneur and all persons who want to earn through the stock market and if you focus then you able to learn from this story.

This is a story of a boy who starts making money when he was a just 10 years old, today 10 years old boy don't know how to buy anything from a simple shop of a market, but this boy is able to buy stock from stock market when he was just 11 years old. This is a story of boy who make money by selling news paper when he was 10 years old and after 10 years of that incident he become heading of that news paper.

In his child days, he learns from his experience that the stock market is the best place to earn, but the only person can earn from stock market when having a lot of patience and have a confidence on own research. And after some time in 1962, he buys a company named Berkshire Hathaway, and it was a north textile company. Now in 2018 the per stock price of Berkshire is 325548 $ and this is a most expensive stock in the stock market, with a wonderful record of that this stock is never split.

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Some Interesting Facts On Warren Buffet.

Learn From Warren Buffett

Yes! We talking about Warren Buffett,  he is a very great child because Warren pays his first income tax on 13 years old. In his childhood, he always says that - I always knew I was going to be rich. I don't think I ever doubted for a minute.
Most enjoying fact is that Warren Buffet announced in front of all his friend that if I did not become a billionaire at the age of 30th then I suicide from this building in front of all my friends.

  • After that event, he starts selling the newspaper that is The Washington Post, and from the price of that newspaper he buys stock from that money, yes sir as today all child beg from his parent to buy a toy, on that age he buys stock from his own income. 

And at the end of months, he gets money about 150$ which is more than his teacher at that time. And at the age of 16 Warren able to make 53,000$.

  • Warren Buffet, claims that he's only sent one e-mail in his whole life and it ended up in federal court.
  • According to Buffett, in 1997, buffet responded to an e-mail from a close friend, former Microsoft Worker, in which he responded, and laid out all the regions why he doesn't use Microsoft.

  • If you want a home in the street of Warren Buffet then you get in just 3,00,000$ then you can just imagine how simple his lifestyle.

  • Warren Buffett charity is most humble and most donation giving charity of this world. Warren Buffett says that the business investor has pledged to give away 99% of his wealth over his lifetime. 

Warren Buffet Wisdom Lessons - How Warren Buffet Do Business

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1. Be fearful when others are greedy, be greedy when others are fearful. 

This lesson is for the stock market and according to this lesson, when lots of people invest in the stock market then you try to sit quietly, and when all peoples are fell fear to invest then you invest in stock market very quickly.

2. Be Patient. 

 According to Buffet, the best key to earning lots of money is having lots of patients. The enemy of wealth is an emotional decision, so be patient and never use emotion in business. 

3. Where to invest.

According to Buffett never invest the place which you like, because investment is not a choice always try to invest in a company having very talented teams. 

4. Hangout with people who are better than you.

Buffett always wants to teach everyone that always make friends who are better than you because better people teach you something and others not give you anything. 

5. Sooner is always better than delay.

Never delay any program, according to him lots of people not even start anything because they spend all the time on learning and not focus on start, so never delay sooner is always give something. 

6. Knowledge investment is the best investment.

If you invest in learning something then you are best because learning is the best way to earn something in mind and if your mind is ready in earning then your body has automatically become ready to earn something.

7. What to do if you want to become successful.

Buffett always says that if you want to become rich and successful then you must have to learn to invest in your knowledge and for that, you must have to invest in knowledge, you must have to invest in training programs, must try to invest in public speaking programs. 

8. Must focus on two words.

 Buffett gives two words and that two words are long-term approach and compounding interest. According to Buffett, every person must try to do anything but with long-term approach means anything you want to do must see long term result and then start that work. And if you want a result of any work then remember anything if you do one time that can give a good result but if you do that work, again and again, then you get an excellent result.  


This is a story of one of the best stock marketer and everyone knows about him but all the above points are fully trying to give you some lesson and some tips and tricks to apply in your business. If anyone wants to be an investor, trader or a businessman then this man is a revolutionary man for him. 
In all this journey almost all person says that Buffett you never get success in fact in this list his family members are also who says that Buffett you just become a failure or loser not more than that, but Buffett prove all of them wrong. 

Today from Brack Obama to Bill Gates everyone fan of this person, and if I say one another best thing is that on the age of 50 we all are thinking that our time is finish and this is a time for new generation but on the age of 50 the net worth of warren buffet is 22 thousand crore. And on his 75th birthday, his net worth become 53 lakh crore. 

Do you know - In 2013 Buffet ranked in, on average $ 37 million per day earning. Yes according to one new report Leonardo DiCaprio who received Oscar for one of his films earn $ 38 million per year and he is a highest earning actor of that time and Buffett earn that amount per day. 

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